Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thank Guus!

There are no words that can express my relief at the football results. I was waking up periodically the night after the match, recalled the match result, smiled to myself and went back to sleep. I am not super happy, just super, super relieved. Very weird, you say? I'd like to debate the point, but I cant. You're talking to a person who flew into London, caught a match, and then flew back the next morning (ok, so it was from Germany and not Australia). 3 days later, I still have a buzz from this.

Speaking of flying, there was a fly bugging me on the train to work the other day. When I got into work, there was a fly still bugging me. I suspect it may have been the same creature. It must have followed me the four blocks from Flinders St station and up six flights of stairs! What's the deal, Mr Fly? It was a Thursday too, which meant I had showered. Weird, eh?

Anyway, I have 2 upcoming first-time parent events happening. So I need to think of baby presents. Was thinking of ipod baby clothes but am very open to ideas1. But the first time parents will probably be so overwhelmed that they wont notice. Maybe some phenol-barbitol instead? Worst case, I'll resort to the trusty teddy bear.

Also, I have a little problem. I find I am spending more time reading blogs than I am with reading other stuff, ie. newspapers, novels, tech books. Not good. New Scientist has an article about gaming fanatics showing hallmarks of drug addiction. I wonder if it carries over to blog readers. Will willpower be enough?

And yet they push for the legislation for sedition. I know we get the Government we deserve but have we really been so bad? The man who trades freedom for security usually ends up with neither - Benjamin Franklin

And what's the deal with Tim Burton? How come his movies have to be prefixed with his name? Anyway, Corpse Bride is really good. Worth a viewing though I thought Nightmare Before Christmas was a superior musical.

Anyway, am listening to Laura Veir's Rapture. Strange song, but I like. I also like that song they play on that Sony commercial, Jose Gonzales' Heartbeats. He's going to be playing at the Northcote Social Club on the 29th. Though Sony are big time bastards! The nerve of them installing software2 which spies on you, without any permission. I hope they get their butts seriously kicked.

1Good ones.
2List of affected CDs listed here.


ChickyBabe said...

Blog addiction is part of the process of induction into blogging, but they don't tell you about it when you first sign up!

Husky Nutmeg said...

I'd say anything Wiggles makes a good baby present, but really the ipod baby thing would be a classic and would educate the child in what good technology looks like.

Speaking of good - the music was.

My weekend papers are sitting here in front of me - like a footstool. I understand the connection. It's been good reading though.

Hmm. I was always told not to use words like 'good'. Sad, though, if we all start watching our words to carefully, and then the government join in...

Chai said...

cb : Exactly! The truth will set you free! Maybe there should be something like a support group... an online one.. but then I guess that'd be like having an AA meeting at the local pub.

hn : Newborns are too young for Wiggles I think... which made me think... maybe Teletubbies or ... Bartok.
And which music did u listen to? The Laura Veirs or the Jose Gonzales. I find both quite hypnotic.
My newspapers sometimes remain unwrapped.

Husky Nutmeg said...

There is a Wiggles CD for babies. A sleepy time thing. How about a birthday cake book or some bubble mixture? You close your eyes for two seconds and they're not that tiny anymore.

Laura's lyrics prompted me to write something. Both tracks put me in the 'thinking' mood.

Pride unwraps my papers and turns them into a footstool.

Chai said...

hn : Godd idea. Will definitely keep the wiggles for babies in mind. Any chance of seeing what you write when you finish it? I am still listening to Sufjan Stevens after 4 weeks. Am scared I will get sick of it cos I love it so much and dont want to. The lyrics on it are amazing esp Casimir Pulaski Day.

Husky Nutmeg said...

That's a great feeling even if it's a scary feeling.

If it does lose some impact it might be because something else amazing has found it's spot.

Enjoy the moment.

Oh and yes, share my writing with a willing audience? Now there's something!

Chai said...

hn : OK.. I was just being polite.. besides, I need a good laugh. And yes, I am a very gentle reviewer, if you cant already tell, yet.

Husky Nutmeg said...

My family and friends have made similar noises in a much less gentle way so I thank you.

Susanne said...

I think the whole blog thing is interesting.

First your like, what's a blog?

Then you get your own.

Then no-one reads it for a while.

You leave comments on other people's blogs.

Other people leave comments on your blog.

You think about giving up but don't want to dissapoint your four or so regular readers.

It's like a cult or something.

Chai said...

sus : Interesting... I actually started writing for myself... sort of like a diary... but accessable to all... and maybe look back in a few years time.. sort of like memory joggers, cos my points of view changes over time...
And then u get a few commentors, and then suddenly, there is pressure to write something interesting not only to you, but what you think is of interest to others.. and it gets out of hand after that

Steph said...

I know what you mean. I started out writing for myself and now, somedays i, should i write about that? That's a bit mundane/boring whatever? So then i end up spilling my guts about the deep dark secrets of my friends and enemies, and purging myself of all the embarrassing things i do...anything for a laugh. ;)

Chai said...

steph : hee hee... I remember reading this blogger saying he attended events just so he could blog about it... I guess then blogging got him out of his house... Mind you, the thought has crossed my mind. A support group, you say?

Husky Nutmeg said...

Imagine that twenty years ago - Diaries Anon - *Step One: we admitted we were powerless...* - then there's step eight...

Chai said...

hn: Admittedly, I had to go look up what Step 8 was....(never been in anything anonymous, though there was the one time when I left a confession).
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Apart from boredom, I'm not sure what sort of harm I could do. (not including my Jedi Mind control attempts).

Husky Nutmeg said...

'though there was the one time when I left a confession'...

if only the good old telepathy would kick in just about now!

Chai said...

Your imagination would far exceed any secret I could possibly harbour. I say we go with your brain. It's more exciting.

Husky Nutmeg said...

There's a running joke in my family that I am 'creative' because I am the fifth child and God was running a bit low in the brains quota by the time He got to me.

But as the poor of Calcutta would say, 'what little I have, I can share...'

Autumn Storm said...

:-) Yep, reading blogs more than anything else.
Also, putting pressure on myself to post each day, which I have to stop doing, because at least every 2nd post will be rubbish :-)
Cult, hmm, maybe there something in that ;)

Chai said...

hn : I guess every generation tries to pass and share knowledge and wisdom onto the next. But I have to be really subtle with mine (ie. my kid). There are signs of early rebellion. eg. I say "Asterix is really funny". "No, dad. Not reading it, ever.". Or maybe it is a generational thing. ie. I find it funny, kids these days dont.

as : Writing every day is pretty prolific. I myself would find that very hard to do. I think mine would come out sounding really forced (much more so than it already does). eg. Today, I took the stairs instead of the lift, and I did it 2 steps at a time, instead of the usual one. *silence* *cough*... *cough*

Husky Nutmeg said...

Chai, we teach them to think independently and when they do it becomes 'rebellion'. Having been a nine year old Libran once, I'm guessing she's fine.

As for Asterix, it doesn't hurt though, to reinvent the wheel every now and then especially when you liked the rims so much.

This is why Shrek was so popular - both of my kids at five and eighteen and I (at more than those ages) love Shrek for different reasons.

Darcy said...

Wait til you hear Jose Gonzalez cover Kylie's "Put You Hand on Your Heart and Tell Me". Stunning. Strange but true.

Chai said...

hn : Shrek is good enough to watch multiple times without getting too sick of it.
darcy : I have heard the version by Jose *but* I didnt make the connection till you mentioned it! It just sounds so different. Just didnt occur to me. *scratches head*